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Why us

Simple, user-friendly applications, easy to comprehend, prompt and online support, functionality completeness, flexibility of the provided solutions and dedication to the satisfaction of our customers are only a few reasons to rely on us for your business software solutions. We don’t like to talk a lot about us. We let the opinion of our customers, which is more valuable to us, become our advertisement and the proof of our quality and credibility.

Quality – Reliability

Who we are

ADAsoft departed on its journey driven by the inspiration of its creators, aiming to the development of high quality integrated software solutions for campings, hotels, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, retail stores and car rental companies. In the 10 years of our presence in the market we have acquired the necessary know-how and experience to satisfy your wishes and needs, providing superior support.

Business Activities

We develop software applications for managing companies in the tourism industry, we provide training and support services, we design corporate websites, we represent and supply third-party software, hardware and consumables of well-known firms worldwide, while we focus to a great extend in research and development of new products. At the center of all our business activities is the satisfaction of our customers.